I want to story what I`m doing last weekend... The most funniest thing I ever do in my life is ... . Last Sunday we(hubby and I) went to Port Dickson to have a barbecue with some friends of husband... We went there about 6 cars include of us... Convoy start from R&R Seremban to the beach... Hurmm...
We`re never noticed that all south state having a long rain that day... It`s raining all the way to PD..... Tak bestnya nak picnic hujan2 kan... There`s nobody beside us there... Just a few family members come to have a picnic... Tu pun satu dua family ajer...
Menu for that day is :
1) Ayam perap (bakar kat sana)
2) Nasi
3) Sayur campur ( I made it)
4) Coleslow
5) Dessert ( agar2)
6) Junk food
All the woman is juz relaxing while mans busying prepare the chicken roast,,, hehe...
Lepas makan, kaum lelaki dah mula nak terjun dalam air laut... Cubalah bayangkan mandi laut dalam keadaan hujan... setengah jam mandi, lagi lebat hujan... I think there`s a weird and strange condition that peeps never do at all... Orang akan cakap "gila ape diorang tu mandi laut hujan2"... atau "tak pernah jumpa laut ke diorang nieh".... Mana ade org mandi hujan2 cenggitu kan!!!... hak hak
Aku yang baru baik kayap ni pun mandi gak... No neglected opportunity... Yelah datang jauh2 takkan nak tengok ajer air laut camtue jer... Kempunan nt kalo tak mandi... Laut cam dah memanggil jer soh mandi... Mane leh biar dorg jer mandi... Hehe...
W/camnapun memang pengalaman yg tak dpt dilupakan... Sejarah dalam hidup buat menda gitu... Tapi bagus gak hujan sebab takde orang kat PD... Kitorg ajer yg conquer,,, Cuba kalo panas, sure tak dapek nyer nak dapat tempat... Kena tunngu queue lah agaknya... Tapi memang sejuk lah masa tue... Mana taknya mandi laut hujan2... Lepas mandi, panaskan badan kat bara api barbecue td...
Kaum pempuan yang menyembang... n prepare nak wat air...
Me, 1st from the left... Something going on that makes we laugh...
A part of process roast the chicken...
Bau die sedap... tak sabo dah nak makan...
p/s : we`re always do a planned but God knows everything... As I mentioned the planning to go to PD was doing one month before and no one know the weather can be like that.... Whatever it is, we`re really enjoy the short vacation and hopefully we can make it again with sunny day... Insyaallah... ;-)